02 June 2010

そばかす - freckles - pecas

In this post, we will extract some Kanjis from the song そばかす by Judy and Mary. Check the Japanese lyrics and the translation.

(breath - respiracion): ため息 tameIKI (sigh - suspiro)

Upper part means oneself 自 and lower part is heart 心. Imagine yourself putting your hands on your own heart and breathing a sigh of relief.

(sugar - azucar): 角砂糖 kakuza (cube sugar - terron de azucar)

Left part is rice. Right part has a cliff, a mouth and something that looks like a brush. Imagine that you are a small caries inside a mouth of somebody eating rice. Since you are small, teeth look like a cliff. And what is your favourite food? sugar!!

(melt - derretirse): 溶ける TOkeru

The left part is water and the right part means to contain 容. Imagine an ice-cream wrapper that contains only water because it already melted!! Other similar kanjis are to bathe 浴 and valley 谷.  

(breast - pecho): 胸 MUNE

The left part means month but also part of the body. For instance, brain is 脳 which is quite similar. The difference is that the breast is like a brain but very well wrapped!!

(dirty - sucio): 汚れる YOGOreru (get dirty - ensuciarse)

Left part is water. The right part looks like a bow and an arrow. Imagine a very dirty river with dead bodys with arrows. Would you have a bath in that dirty river?

(hug - abrazar): 抱く DAku

Left part is hand and right part is to wrap 包. If you wrapp somebody with your hands, you are hugging him!!

(tear - lagrima): 涙 NAMIDA

Left part is water and right part is door 扉 and big (person opening his arms). Imagine that a son comes back home for Christmas. His mother is waiting for him in the door, with her arms wide open and tears in her eyes.

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